The 5 Top Movies with Telekinesis

Telekinesis may seem like an abstract idea to those who have not experienced this phenomenon in their own lives. Fortunately, telekinesis has been portrayed throughout modern media, like movies, giving us a symbolic look at how this ability works and what someone who develops their telekinesis is capable of.
Movies are made for entertainment, so these depictions are often exaggerated or more geared toward specific plots that deal with destruction or chaos when in reality, telekinesis is much more than that. The ability to wield matter at will with your mind is a reflection of the true reality that we live in, and this ability is a great achievement. If you’re looking for an entertaining take on telekinetic abilities while also learning some valuable lessons you can use for many areas of your life, follow along to learn more about the top 5 movies with Telekinesis.

Chronicle (2012)

Three teenage boys embark on a journey to explore an unknown tunnel they found in the woods. When they arrived at the end of this tunnel, they discovered a crystal structure that appeared to be supernatural or extraterrestrial. A few days after their exposure to this crystal, the three boys realize they have developed supernatural powers. They become close friends and become increasingly excited about the telekinetic abilities they are developing.
The boys soon realize just how powerful they have become once one of them pushes a man off the road and into a body of water. The incident was a wake-up call, and they realized just how destructive their abilities could be. After seemingly gaining control over their powers, incidents occur within the friendship and personal lives that cause tension between the boys. As the movie progresses, the boys learn that they are overexerting their powers, and some even lose their life due to using too much of their abilities. In the end, how they developed their powers and why is still a mystery that the last remaining friend vows to uncover.

Carrie (1976)

The movie Carrie follows the story of a young girl who lives with her single mother. In school, Carrie is bullied and very much an outcast; it seems that she has no real friends at all. Her mother is unhinged and has an unhealthy obsession with religion, which seems to be a trigger for Carrie. One pivotal point in the movie is where Carrie experiences her first menstrual cycle, and because it happened in school, she was then bullied for the experience. The movie takes place around prom, which Carrie would have never expected to win. But, as another act of bullying, a few of the popular kids decided to rig the system so that she would win.
As Carrie received her tiara, the kids dropped a bucket of pig’s blood over her head in reference to her menstruation. The shocking incident awakened something deep within Carrie, something she had never experienced before. Earlier she began experiencing instances of telekinesis but nothing like what she experienced this night. Carrie began experiencing deliciousness that the entire crowd was laughing at her misfortune which caused her powers to become unbound. She locked the doors of the building with her mind, electrocuted others, and started fires. Everyone still left in the building had burned. Some of her classmates that escaped eventually tried to run her over as she walked home, but instead, she used her abilities to make the car explode.
Once home, Carrie uses her telekinesis to wield weapons with which she crucified her mother. Lastly, she destroys her house while taking her own life. Here, the movie depicts telekinesis as a negative trait or evil ability that only has the ability to cause harm. In reality, the movie depicts someone who hasn’t reached a point in their maturity to wield these abilities and handle them properly.

Matilda (1996)

Matilda is an interestingly extraordinary child who lives with a family who doesn’t appreciate her for who she is. At a young age, she has the ability to take care of herself, as well as her family. Growing up, she had always felt like an outcast and spent much of her time alone. When she enters school, she’s met with a principal who is very domineering and cruel to the students. Matilda witnessed many students and herself be punished in ways no child should be punished, which created a bit of anger within her.
One day, one of her classmates places a lizard in the principal’s glass of water, and Matilda receives the blame for it. She becomes angered by the accusation, and the glass tips over due to her powers. Here, she experiences the first instance of her telekinesis due to exerting large amounts of emotional energy. The child begins to develop her abilities throughout the movie, being able to write on a chalkboard with her mind and other playful uses of her powers. Here, the movie depicts the use of telekinesis powers for good rather than evil. Matilda is an example of someone who, even while young, had the maturity and compassion needed in order to handle and use telekinesis in beneficial ways.

The Craft (1996)

The craft is a cult class movie from the 90s that depicts a group of teenage girls who learn to develop powers through the means of witchcraft. The story begins with Sarah, who has always seemed to have telekinetic abilities since birth. She said when she was a young child, she would want it to rain so intensely that a pipe would burst in her room. Sarah moves to a new city and meets three girls who are self-proclaimed witches, although their abilities haven’t developed into much of anything at that time. Once the four begin practicing their powers, their lives change in powerful ways. While there are more than just telekinetic powers illustrated in this movie, there are definitely key points where telekinesis is portrayed.
At the beginning of the movie, Sarah is seen holding her pencil upright on her desk. One of the girls notices her and watches as she lifts her fingers off the upright pencil, and it remains standing. Sarah then begins to turn the levitating pencil clockwise, which amazes the girl who sees it. Other instances of telekinesis in The Craft are the use of flying, throwing each other around throughout Sarah’s house in battle, and in one instance, one of the girls even throwing a giant wooden dresser at the other. The craft deals with some heavy topics, but the main moral of this story is to use your powers wisely and not use them for destruction because the corresponding results may be more than what you bargained for.

The Matrix (1999)

The Matrix may be one of the best depictions of telekinetic abilities when thinking of mind-bending movies. While many instances of these abilities are highlighted throughout the movie and franchise, one of the most important scenes is when Neo, the protagonist, bends the spoon with his mind. Neo was an ordinary man who suddenly woke up from the dream state that he had currently been living in. As he progresses through his journey, there’s a moment where he meets a child who has the ability to bend spoons with their mind. The child tells Neo that he shouldn’t try to bend the spoon because there is no spoon, and once he can realize that, he will realize that it is him who truly bends.
The scene illustrates perfectly a fundamental within learning and developing telekinesis, learning to undo any previous programming telling you what’s real and what isn’t. Sometimes, cultivating these powers within yourself must be accomplished before you can transfer them to your external world. So, instead of focusing externally, trying to develop telekinetic powers, go inward and begin to transform your inner world, your mind, and your beliefs first.


Modern media enjoys incorporating elements of telekinesis into their stories and plots, but often times they are misrepresented. It’s highly unlikely that anyone would be able to wield power at the magnitude we see in movies without having proper training, maturity, and an understanding of the consequences of doing so. Anyone can develop their telekinetic powers—but they will come with time and practice, with each person’s ability to benefit from them. While movies may not showcase these abilities in the best light, they do hint that their existence and often contain lessons that can be helpful once you are successful in developing telekinesis. If you’re looking for some enthusiasm for your telekinesis journey, check out the movies listed above for some inspiration!


A couple watching a telekinesis show on smart TV at home, an exciting show in a cosy room.

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A couple watching a telekinesis show on smart TV at home, an exciting show in a cosy room.

Top 6 Telekinesis Series

Telekinesis has been used in a variety of television shows, ranging from classic shows like The Twilight Zone to newer shows like Stranger Things.

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Life Force Energy and Telekinesis

Life force energy is a type of energy all of us are surrounded by. It is thought to be the source of all life, and its presence can be felt in a variety of ways.