Uncommon Examples of Telekinesis

There are many ancient forms of telekinesis, some of which are still practiced today. One of the most well-known is levitation, or the ability to lift oneself or objects into the air. This was famously achieved by Buddhist monks in Tibet, who was said to be able to levitate for hours at a time.

Other forms of telekinesis include pyrokinesis, or the ability to create and control fire; hydrokinesis, or the ability to control water; and aerokinesis, or the ability to control air. These abilities were often seen as magical or supernatural, and those who could perform them were revered as shamans or wizards.

There have been many studies conducted on telekinesis, and while there is still much to learn about this phenomenon, scientists have been able to glean some interesting information. For example, it is believed that everyone has the ability to utilize telekinesis to some degree. However, those who are able to harness its power more effectively tend to be people who are highly creative and have strong visualization skills.

So what does the science say about telekinesis? Well, there is still much research needed to fully understand this ability, but it can be used in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar ways.

Ancient forms of telekinesis

There are many accounts of ancient Greek philosophers and scholars using their telekinetic powers to perform impressive feats. One of the most famous is Socrates, who is said to have used his abilities to levitate above a crowd to avoid being trampled.

Other notable examples include Aristotle, who used his telekinetic powers to open locked doors, and Plato, who was said to have used them to deflect enemy arrows.

Plato deflects enemy arrows
Plato deflects enemy arrows
While there are many ancient examples of telekinesis being used for practical purposes, there are also accounts of it being used for more mystical or religious purposes.

Long Distance

There are many examples of telekinesis in the world, but one of the most impressive is using telekinesis from a distance. This type of telekinesis allows people to move objects without physically touching them.

Some people have the ability to exert their abilities further than the eye can see. You an achieve this through developing your visualization, and also remote view. Remote viewing is the ability to see the location of any place within the universe inside of your mind’s eye. When you develop this ability, you can then use your telekinesis to initiate change and movement at that location. To do so, you must first strengthen your ability’s influence otherwise you won’t have the strength or practice to do so effectively. But, once you master this, there’s essential no place that you can’t use your telekinetic powers, even if you’re on the other side of the world.


There are a number of other ways that this ability can be used. One example is using telekinesis on plants. This can be done in a number of ways, such as moving the plant’s leaves or branches or making the plant grow or bloom.

The tree floats in the air
The tree floats in the air
This ability is not just limited to small plants, either. There have been reports of people using their telekinetic powers to uproot trees and move them across great distances. While this is certainly an impressive feat, it’s important to use this power responsibly and with caution, as misuse could lead to serious damage. Some can even use the telekinetic abilities to help a plant grow much quicker than normal.


In certain remote regions of the world, shamans are said to be able to control the weather using their minds. They achieve this by going into a deep trance and communicating with the spirit world. It is said that they can ask the spirits to bring rain or stop a storm.

While there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, some people believe that it is possible to use telekinesis to change the weather. One theory is that by affecting the air molecules around us, we can create different types of weather conditions.

So far, there have been no studies conducted to test this theory. However, if telekinesis does have the ability to alter the weather, it could be used to help areas that are experiencing drought conditions.


Dreams are interesting things. They can be bizarre, beautiful, or terrifying. Sometimes, they can be a little bit of all three. Dreams are also a great way to explore what your mind is capable of.

One example of this is using telekinesis in your dreams. We typically see this in movies or TV shows, but it’s actually possible to do in real life.
we can do anything in our dreams
we can do anything in our dreams

The dream world is much more fluid than the physical reality, and telekinesis can be much easier to achieve there. If you’ve been practicing telekinesis, it may also appear in your dreams. The next time you are conscious in your sleep or experience a lucid dream, try moving objects with your mind. You’ll find that your ability is much more influential and extravagant there. Practicing the ability in your dreams can help you become more experienced in your waking life as well.

Astral Projection

Astral projection is a technique that allows the projection of one’s consciousness outside of the physical body. This can be done through a number of methods, including meditation, lucid dreaming, and near-death experiences.

evoking astral projection through meditation
A collaboration between modern doctors and alternative healers could be the perfect solution

Telekinesis on the astral plane can be used for a variety of purposes, including healing, protection, and manifestation. Once the astral body is projected, it is possible to use telekinesis to move objects on the astral plane. This is because the astral body is not bound by the laws of physics.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using telekinesis on the astral plane. First, it is important to remain focused and grounded in your intention. Second, it is helpful to visualize the desired result before attempting to move an object with your mind.


Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with the power of the mind. This ability is often portrayed in fiction as a way to levitate or move objects with great force. However, telekinesis can also be used for more benevolent purposes, such as healing the body.

Shamans are believed to have the ability to heal others with their abilities. There are stories of people healing themselves and others by the use of their minds, changing the pathways of their bodily energies, and shrinking tumors. While these instances have not been scientifically proven, there are many instances of supernatural phenomenons happening that cannot be explained by science.


Levitation is the ability to lift objects into the air and move them around without touching them. This is an incredibly difficult feat to accomplish, but there have been many reports of people doing it. Some people have even claimed to levitate themselves!

Many people have mastered the art of lifting themselves
Many people have mastered the art of lifting themselves

There are many different ways to levitate objects. Some people claim that they can do it by focusing their thoughts on the object and willing it to move. Others say they use visualization techniques or mentally “push” the object with their mind.

You can also levitate your own body or someone else. Many people have mastered the art of lifting themselves, even inches off the ground, showing just how much ability we have to bend reality.


There are many methods of manifestation, but one that is not often talked about is using telekinesis. While it may seem like a power that is only used in movies and TV shows, it can actually be a very effective tool for manifestation.

One way to use telekinesis for manifestation is to focus your energy on moving an object from one place to another. For example, if you want to manifest a new car, you can focus your energy on moving a toy car from one side of the room to the other. This helps to visualize what you are trying to manifest and can also help to increase the power of your intention.

Explore Your Telekinetic Abilities

Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with your mind. While this may seem like a superpower straight out of a comic book, some people have this ability.

There are many ways to develop your telekinetic abilities. One way is to practice visualization exercises. Visualize yourself moving an object with your mind. Start small, like moving a pencil across a table. Once you get better at it, you can try moving larger objects.

Another way to develop your telekinetic abilities is to use affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to program your subconscious mind. For example, you could say, “I am a powerful telekinetic” or “I can move objects with my mind”. Repeating these affirmations will help to increase your belief in yourself and your abilities.

Continue practicing and try out new ways to express your abilities; you never know what your mind is capable of!


A couple watching a telekinesis show on smart TV at home, an exciting show in a cosy room.

Top 6 Telekinesis Series

Telekinesis has been used in a variety of television shows, ranging from classic shows like The Twilight Zone to newer shows like Stranger Things.

energy channels on mans head and skin

Life Force Energy and Telekinesis

Life force energy is a type of energy all of us are surrounded by. It is thought to be the source of all life, and its presence can be felt in a variety of ways.

A couple watching a telekinesis show on smart TV at home, an exciting show in a cosy room.

Top 6 Telekinesis Series

Telekinesis has been used in a variety of television shows, ranging from classic shows like The Twilight Zone to newer shows like Stranger Things.

energy channels on mans head and skin

Life Force Energy and Telekinesis

Life force energy is a type of energy all of us are surrounded by. It is thought to be the source of all life, and its presence can be felt in a variety of ways.