Read telekinesis blog posts.
A Guide to Telekinesis Exercises: How to Use Your Mind to Move Things
There is a power that exists within each and every one of us – the psychic powers to move objects with our minds. This is telekinesis, and it is something that can be learned by anyone.
Can You Use Telekinesis on Another Person?
Everything in the universe is made of energy, even matter. So, at the deepest level of everything in existence, that means that everything is simply just energy.
How the Mind Creates Your Reality and Influences Your Abilities
The mind creates your reality. While this may sound like a far-out concept, there is some scientific evidence to support it.
How to Practice Your Telekinetic Abilities: The Egely Wheel
Telekinesis is one of the few paranormal abilities that spark as much debate as it does. Some people think it’s ridiculous to even consider the possibility of moving objects with one’s mind.
How to Super-Charge Your Telekinesis with Pranayama
Pranayama is an excellent tool for those seeking to develop their telekinetic abilities, it can assist in shifting the energy of the body and upgrading energy pathways
Life Force Energy and Telekinesis
Life force energy is a type of energy all of us are surrounded by. It is thought to be the source of all life, and its presence can be felt in a variety of ways.
Should You Show Others Your Telekinetic Abilities?
It’s very exciting when you first begin to experience your telekinetic abilities.
The 5 Top Movies with Telekinesis
Telekinesis may seem like an abstract idea to those who have not experienced this phenomenon in their own lives.
Top 6 Telekinesis Series
Telekinesis has been used in a variety of television shows, ranging from classic shows like The Twilight Zone to newer shows like Stranger Things.
Uncommon Examples of Telekinesis
There are many ancient forms of telekinesis, some of which are still practiced today. One of the most well-known is levitation, or the ability to lift oneself or objects into the air.